Thursday, July 5, 2007

What Can Water Master's Pi-Water Do For You?


1. Pi water is mild alkaline and has a pH level closest to our blood level with 23 kinds of water-soluble minerals essential for our body

2. Widely used in U.S.A, Japan, Taiwan, England in areas like medical field, healthy foods field, agricultural fields etc

3. Save electricity cause it shorten cooking time and it required no electricity to work on

4. Is small in water molecules and high in oxygen thus our body is able to absorb more easily n readily into each individual organs cells making them more vital

5. Helps to improve one’s immune system against illness

6. More effective in cleansing toxins from our body

7. Contains no impurities and it is proven through many experiments for its uses and advantages for the last 35 years at least

8. Vegetables and fruits can remain fresh for about 2 weeks (10-14days) in the refrigerator after being soaked in Pi Water for about 30 mines before storing

9. Fruits and vegetables that can be eaten raw ( lettuces, cucumber, tomatoes, grapes etc) will taste better with a crisp after having soak in Pi water for about 20 mins

10. Soak vegetables or fruits in Pi water for about 20 mins before storing can get rid of heavy metal and agricultural chemicals like pesticide

11. Use Pi water to wash your hands or containers to get rid of stench or fishy smell effectively even durian smell

12. It can prevent irritation to your eyes if you soak onions in Pi Water for about 5 mines before cutting

13. Use Pi water for cooking rice, rice will taste better and more fragrance and rice wont turn bad easily at room temperature

14. Use Pi water to boil soup and you need not worry about re-boiling it each time someone in the family wants to drink as chlorine has already been filtered out thus prevent other chemicals from forming with heat reaction

15. Is able to thaw frozen food faster upon rinsing or soaking

16. Is able to prevent constipation if you drink at least 2.5L of Pi water daily

17. Is able to help detoxify and balance one’s acidic body pH level if you drink at least 2.5L of Pi water daily

18. Is able to accelerate the cure rate of injuries, burn or bleeding if you wash or soak your wound in Pi water

19. Need not boil “luo han guo” or chrysanthemum. Just need soak it in Pi water for 30 minutes. Pi water can even melt sugar

20. Children tend not to have “sweet tooth” after at least having drank Pi water for 2 weeks and will be able to drink more water daily

21. Plants will grow better and more healthier if you use Pi water to water them

22. Can prevent water retention and puffy eyes even if you drink a big glass before you sleep

23. Drink at least 2L of Pi water daily, and use it to wash face daily, skin will be smoother and fairer

24. Drink at least 2L of Pi water daily and will enhance blood circulation and improve metabolism

25. Use Pi water to mix with alcohol, it will taste mellow and prevent hangover

26. Use Pi water to make coffee or tea, it can retain its original taste

27. Drinking at least 2.5L of Pi water daily will make your body feel less tiring even after long hours of work

28. Use Pi water showering filter (Slim Water), hair and skin will feel moisture and smooth as chlorine is removed

29. Use Pi water showering filter (Slim Water) for bathing and it can improve allergy skin conditions like eczema in long term

30. For diabetic patients, it’s advisable to drink at least 2.5L of Pi water daily. It could help flushes out the excess sugar in the body

31. For high cholesterol patients, it’s advisable to drink at least 2.5L of water everyday. It could help bring down the cholesterol level after about 2-3 months

32. For cancer patients, it’s advisable to drink at least 2.5L of Pi water daily to help neutralize the acidic body pH level

33. For baby having nappy rash, other than washing their bottom with Pi water daily, soak the baby’s bottom in Pi water for about 3-5 mines will help reduce itch

34. For patient having heart condition or asthma, start with drinking warm Pi water daily for about a month before drinking straight from the tap. Its advisable to drink at least 2L daily

35. For skin problems or allergy, soak body parts in Pi water for about 20 -30 mines daily, or place cotton soak in Pi water over wounds

36. For obesity patients, drink at least 500ml of Pi water every morning and evening, before meals and when hungry, reduced food intake and stop munching on tibits for 7 days straight could help detox toxins and improve health system (to do so twice a month on a regular basic for 3-6 months could bring down weight loss healthily )

30. When using Pi water to make milk for baby, Pi water helps to curtail the harms of preservatives found in the formula

37. Healthy person is advised to drink 2 glasses of Pi water every morning before brushing teeth and at least 2L of Pi water the rest of the day. It can help improve concentration and thinking.

38. And the lists goes on………………….


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